I am extremely happy to have completed the CCPAI-DCCP Program. Its helping me a lot in guiding my students. I highly recommend it to all aspiring counselors
Monica Kumar School Teacher
I wanted to do some professional course in Career Counseling. I couldn't find a single program for years. CCPAI has
provided the perfect solution to the problem. I completed my DCCP with 87%
Oscar Fernandes Coaching Center Owner
I have coaching centre & students often consult us with career related queries. Without proper training, I wasn't very
confident in guiding them. CCPAI-DCCP has made me a better counselor
Pavitra Nair Housewife
I am a housewife & wanted to start something on my own. Registering for CCPAI Program was the best decision ever!
T Ganeshan Corporate Trainer
I am a professional trainer & wanted to enhance my knowledge in education sector. CCPAI-DCCP has provided me the
right platform